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Published on: October 24, 2015

Tools and sold changed the business model. Recall also the processes RIAA v. Grokster, Morpheus, Kazaa, and tens of thousands of music "pirates". Of course, in today's world of digital music is dominated by sales of subscriptions to musical content and streaming services like Pandora. And if the monsters are banded together with the market recording Napster, or other provider of such a resource, instead of suing them, now control the sale of digital music Could they have and the problem of piracy would not be standing so badly. 7. CompuServe: a missed opportunity to take the lead in the network look at the Internet today and you will see a net filled with interactive resources and social nets full of user-created content. We can say that this is just a smoothed version of the resource CompuServe, launched somewhere in 1994.

However, rather than to become a leader in the field of new network technologies, CompuServe AOL lost a fight and its 50 billion of "free CD. According to Gregory Kip (Kip Gregory) in his book "How to find customers in the Internet world (Winning Clients in a Wired World), in the early 1990s, CompuServe Information Service was a "remarkable set of benefits to which was yet another walk and walk: the base loyal customers, the vast amount of information about their preferences, the most valuable knowledge base and the almost complete absence of competition. " "The reason why the service was unclaimed … most likely lay in the reluctance to invest in these benefits, then to monetize them.

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