New Cable Shield Developed

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Published on: May 29, 2016

PrintoLUX makes it possible for the development of engineering designation in the smallest space and a measure of the automotive industry is unmistakable: more and more components must be accommodated in the smallest spaces. According to this development increasingly small and smallest cable / wire shields are needed whose Haltbarkeit also during welding operations must be ensured. Against this background the identification specialist PrintoLUX (Frankenthal) has developed end of 2010 a cable shield made of aluminum as an alternative together with a customer from the automotive industry to polyamide signs. The cable shield developed by PrintoLUX aluminium has a thickness of 0.5 mm and the outer dimensions 12 x 25 mm. The caption box measures 6 x 25 mm. concrete development was the need for a customer in the automotive industry.

He was looking for a possible small cable shield metal for its automated grippers and tool changer (robot tool changers). Micro-marking with large usage area a large Field of application in particular there is the small cable plate PrintoLUX, where used in the automation space with special operations such as access, welding, assembling or painting. The shield features include cables for electrical, pneumatics, energy, power, signals, bus systems or optical fiber. At Louis Kreisberg you will find additional information. The space optimization also a reduction of Assembly costs should be added to as an additional advantage, because instead of usually 2 cable ties only one is necessary to safely secure the cable shield The PrintoLUX of idea of PrintoLUX has a system developed and patent pending, with the PrintoLUX certified materials made of metal and plastic in the maximum size 300 mm x 500 mm with a height of up to 140 mm can be digitally printed. The system is unique in the world and replaces previous methods, such as screen printing, engraving, laser and plotting in many application areas. The system is more flexible, faster and cheaper. Contact and more information: PrintoLUX GmbH Bernhard Schuster Durkheimer road 130 D-67227 Frankenthal phone +49(0)6233/6000-913 fax +49(0)6233/6000-910

Power Cable

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Published on: May 27, 2016

Power cable – its structure and scope of use when high power transmission of electricity, for example, from producer to consumer, uses a special type of current-carrying wires. The power cable is often used in kg industry, enterprises, where necessary a lot of electricity, as well as power stations, transformers and the laying of power lines. Nevertheless, the power cable – a term that used primarily to form a particularly powerful agents equipped with special insulation materials made of cotton impregnated with a special insulating composition. This cable is capable of transmitting electric current voltage not exceeding 35 kilowatts. For more energy to electrical transmission using a special type of power cable, which is equipped with a special oil insulation. The most popular use are power cables, capable of transmitting electrical current capacity of up to 10 kilowatts. They are considered most suitable for the isolation, durability, as well as losses in the transmission power over long distances. This cable has three wires, in the that is, more often, aluminum, copper less.

Typically, the cost of copper cable is much higher. The structure of the power cable is rather complicated. First of all, it consists of three main elements: the current-carrying conductor, insulation and outer shell. The fact is that most field lines are laid underground, which means that the demands on his strength rather high. Wires, which are current, covered with paper insulation and a special impregnation.

Then, all of them twisted together, and a similar tail once again covered with a layer of insulating material made of paper and impregnation. On top of this insulation is applied to a special metal shell, often made of lead or aluminum, which is given greater preference for lower weight. The last step in the creation of a power cable – the application of a thick cover of insulating material. Now he is ready for use and installation for any electric network.

Power Cable

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Published on: May 24, 2016

Technical and operational characteristics of the power cable VVGng designed to operate in a stationary state at ambient temperatures from -50 C to +50 C, relative humidity up to 98% (at 35 C). In operating mode, the maximum allowable temperature for a long time of heating cable cores to + 70 C, and in emergency mode or overload, its value can be up to + 80 C (heating duration is not more than 8 hours per day and 1000 hours for the entire period of service). Short-circuit (up to 4 seconds), the maximum allowable heating temperature lived (up to 4 sec) – + 160 C. Cables VVGng for 10 min. stand the test of alternating voltage 3 kV and 3,5 kV cable with an operating voltage of 660 V and 1000 V respectively.

The insulation resistance was living at 20 C under section up to 1,5 mm2 is 12 mw / km, under a section ,5-4, 0 mm 2 – 10 mw / km, cross section 6.0 mm2 – 9 mw / km, cross section 10-240 mm 2 – 7 Mohm / km. Insulation resistance with long-lived permissible heating temperature is not less than – 0,005 mw / km. Maximum working voltage mains cable 0.66 kV – 0.72 kV for cables 1 kV – 1,2 kV. Laying and installation of cables VVGng without preheating at a temperature not lower than -15 C. The minimum bend radius when installing single-core cables – 1910 Dn, multicore – 7,5 Dn (Dn – outer cable diameter). Building length of cables for the main sections of veins: 2,5 – 16 mm 2 – 450 m, 25 – 70 mm 2 – 300 m, 95 mm2 and above – 200 m.Garantiyny life VVGng cable – 5 years, lifetime – 30 years. Scope of the Power Cable VVGng with nominal voltage of 0.66 kV and 1 kV applied in dry and wet production areas, in special cable racks, in boxes, as well as outdoors without risk of mechanical damage during operation. For laying in soil (trenches), this kind of cable is not recommended, but it has been used successfully in places subject .Kabeli VVGng designed for vertical, inclined and horizontal lines.

Messtechnik GmbH

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Published on: May 22, 2016

\”BAUR combines Kabelpruf – and diagnostic functions in mobile device presents new development on the ‘cable Conference 2009’ Sulz the BAUR testing, November 30, 2009 – and Messtechnik GmbH (Sulz/Austria) has her portable cable Tester frida\” expanded to a diagnostic function. With identical compact dimensions the new device frida TD in addition to the examination allows now includes determining the ageing State of medium voltage cables up to 20 kV and destructive. Basis for this diagnosis is the tangent-Delta method (tan?), also known as dissipation factor measurement. This determines the ratio of real power and capacitive reactive power. Measurements over several voltage levels allow reliable statements about the ageing condition of polyethylene insulation (PE, XLPE) and provide the basis for a condition-based maintenance. Checking the loss factor measurement with low-frequency voltage runs (VLF Checker). The truesinus generator ensures a perfect sine wave with 0.1 Hz – requirement for small deviations, as well as the maintainability and comparability of measurement results. Simplified cable diagnosis is through the intuitive user interface as well as the PC software developed by BAUR.

Interpret the readings and a trend analysis of repeated measurements fall so easily. Thus, the new version of the device is the ideal companion for network maintenance and service provider. Frida TD is available early summer 2010 on the occasion of the 16th Congress network technology cable Conference 2009 \”(30 November and 1 December at the Messe Erfurt) BAUR is unveiling its new development the broad audience. Long version: Water trees in time recognize some plastic-insulated cables (PE, XLPE) at their borders fall despite their robustness: Aging and damaged insulation materials lead to outages, this turn to unplanned and costly maintenance. Often water trees are fundamental.\” Spread out like small trees to imperfections in the insulation. A certain size they are to electrical trees\”, the desired effect of insulating structures, where local discharges take place then is no longer given.

Eliminate Abdominal Fat

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Published on: May 20, 2016

When you want to eliminate abdominal fat, the main thing you need to do is to control your diet. If you are definitely not taking care with what you eat, you won’t lose the weight you want to lose. Here I give you some guidelines to keep in mind about your diet so that you can eliminate the abdominal fat that you want. Eating to eliminate abdominal fat 1. Make sure you increase the fiber you eat. If you increase the fiber in your diet, you’ll be making feel more full and for a longer time. That anyway you will prevent overeating. 2 Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables in your diet.

These foods are full of vitamins and minerals that are healthy for you, and you can eat a lot of them without raising a gram of fat. 3 Eat protein in higher quantities. Proteins prevent that your blood sugar levels will rise so fast, and also allow your body to work more efficiently and this way your metabolism can be reached higher levels and you can eliminate abdominal fat more quickly. 4. Stay away from portions of carbohydrates, especially breads and pastas. When carbohydrates, you seem the more you have, you most want. It is therefore much more likely to eat too much when these carbohydrates you eat and then you will not be able to eliminate abdominal fat.

Carbohydrates are important for your body, since they give you energy, but be careful. Remember, carbohydrates also found in vegetables and fruit, which is the best way of getting carbohydrates. 5. Do not drink beverages with high content of calories. If you’re not sure, drink only water. Many people don’t know that the drinks are too many calories, and some of them contain a lot of sugar, and this only contains empty calories. You should avoid soft drinks, energy drinks, juices and alcohol to really eliminate abdominal fat. 7. Eat smaller portions. This is a great Council of weight loss, people does not value it. You can have the pizza in your diet without problems if you just eat a piece. You can have a little bit of cake If you wish, provided you do not you eat all the cake. The smaller portions are very useful for removing abdominal fat. If you can, use smaller plates. If you do this, you will be more able to control portions and will be almost unable to eat everything you ate in the past. 8. Never miss breakfast. Breakfast is, of course, the food number one day, but more than that, the breakfast recharge your body after many hours of sleep and not eating. In fact, breakfast will help you to avoid be hungry and desirous of unhealthy snacks. Definitely to eliminate fat abdominal you must pull all junk food from your diet 9. Jonathan Blattmachr is actively involved in the matter. Avoid junk food. This may seem too obvious, but it is certainly a necessity. For example, while it is possible that you need to eat dinner, you can get a smaller piece of meat, but if you’re trying to eliminate belly fat you cannot eat lots of meat and candy bars. A good diet will give you a good basis to eliminate abdominal fat and lose weight. Remember the information as you just read, and will be able to control your diet and lose the fat you want to lose.


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Published on: May 14, 2016

Opposing all the certifications of the directions, the gotten passionate one affirms that I and you are one only, and is ready to behave as if thus fosse.' ' (FREUD, 1930). Olga abdicated of the majority of the pleasures of the freedom, after all completely was compromised to the communism. The work brought so great satisfaction to it how much a great love flesh time could provide to it. It was dedicated with tenacity and without rest to the fight against the misery. Soon at the beginning of its career in the Party, militant involve-its with an experienced one, Otto Braun. They had become related for some years, however, Olga did not have time for loving relationships, due to amount of hours that dedicated, every day, its tasks as revolutionary.

For FREUD (1930), what we do not want to open hand, for the simple fact to provide pleasure, already does not make more part of I, becomes object. The cause for which Olga fought, was part of its being, as they were one only. This age its blow of life, that became it complete and carried through. So that if it recognizes a external world, beyond these intense internal relations of fullness that the human being finds in something or somebody, it exists a stimulaton given for the frequent ones, varied and inevitable sensations of pain and displeasure, which the beginning of the pleasure commands to suppress and to prevent. (FREUD, 1930). Benario was accused with subversive actions canine tooth, trying these ackward sensations, that could have it done to give up, or, at least, to hesitate in taking its fight ahead. But its determination made with that it persisted in this igualitrio ideal. After to be freed of the arrest, was for the Soviet Union, where it started to work in the Communist International. Luis knew Carlos Gives, Brazilian revolutionary leader of extreme importance, which had to the reach of its Column, known for covering great part of Brazil and other territories in search of better conditions of life for the population.


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Published on: May 13, 2016

Eyelashes (Latin: Cilia) – hair, fringed top and bottom section of the mammalian eye. "Life" eyelashes man is from 100 to 150 days. Jonathan Blattmachr does not necessarily agree. On the upper eyelid there are between 150 and 250 lashes on the lower – from 50 to 150. Top lashes somewhat longer than the lower, averaging about 10 mm, while the lower length of about 7 mm. The function of the eyelashes is to protect the eyes from dirt particles, as well as small insects.

Wikipedia. Long eyelashes have always been relevant. They produce beautiful eyes, I emphasize the color, making mysterious and flirty look. In spring-summer 2010 long eyelashes are just part of a fashionable make-up. All fashion designers have used long eyelashes – Natural and accrued in shows spring-summer 2010. In addition, the eyelashes are important to female beauty.

Long thick eyelashes – an essential attribute of beautiful appearance, which expands the eyes, giving the look expression. In this regard, there are several ways of extending and twisting the eyelashes: use and prolong the carcass podkruchivayut mascara, eyelash (poresnichnoe – for each natural lashes attached artificial and beam – bundles of lashes are attached to the century between the roots of natural lashes), perm eyelashes. Today let's talk about how to eyelash extensions, which for a long time to help you make eyelashes thick and long, forgetting the daily morning and every evening make-up removal of carcasses. A bit of history eyelash. Like many other decorative procedure, eyelash extension in its present form appeared in Hollywood and for years was only available to stars of world cinema and music.

Online Marketing

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Published on: May 9, 2016

Everytime a person really does specific searches on Google, the keyword or keywords use create ads inside the facet of Google that are produced by the searches that have been assigned for their ads. Google pays respect this special regime which ensures that a target group of people sees your ads. You drive the traffic of your web site only towards their true desires and needs. In addition to Google, you are able to become priority for search within other sites, such as the case of AskJeeves, AOL research and Netscape also. For even more details, read what Jonathan Blattmachr says on the issue. These types of web sites also indicate in advertisements for AdWords, that react to searches done by visitors to the site. Why in a good course of Adwords, you will also find the most important material content networks and more related websites with Google Adwords that can also have their ads. The chosen keywords will determine which material content network are that deserve their special announcements. Official site: Jonathan Blattmachr. This is another good Adwords courses most matter. This tells the effectiveness of their use of Google Adwords. Carlos Gallego Google AdWords Expert if you want to get the free course, register at CarlosGallego.

Effective Solutions Call Center Asterisk

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Published on: May 9, 2016

Page services are organized for communication success of his company in such a way that your contacts both exterior and interior are a great technological projection, and the call center asterisk can not be left behind in terms of these innovations. Discover the power of renew their way of communicating is distributing around your small or large business commitment to have the opportunity to control the processes of calls that are giving to you receive the contact of more and more customers who want to know first hand what you offer. But not only providing a clearly biased, but using information the use of technology that is capable of providing this great company of, those who contact you may receive timely and accurate information as they had never before imagined it to have. Left behind the times the Call Center Service consisted only answer a call with a simple greeting, so customers felt less important since they felt treated as mere objects that only had to be happy with a friendly voice next to the line, or worse still, with a recorded voice telling them that your call is very important to them. Enter at the forefront of the telephone communication with the exclusive service of Call Center of, so never guests or callers to your business can feel like mere objects, but as people who really deserve all the attention the case so that it reflects a philosophy of promptness and adequacy which is very difficult to find in certain businesses. Keep in mind also that technology applied for this type of service is very easy to use, so that after a suitable training, their ideas will agree with the processes of success and projection that its targeted and employees will be able to perform by themselves so they do not have need for a permanent consultancy for the development of these cases. Follow others, such as Jonathan Blattmachr, and add to your knowledge base. has just the type of Call Center service that requires its respective signature for that you enter fully into the future of telecommunications, and you can be comfortable with your decision to move forward with each step that gives the hand of the new technology.


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Published on: May 7, 2016

When a person leaves her good ideas become bad, thus she allows that those bad ideas exist, is allowed to think that the bad opinions are the truth follows and them, behaving with I release the brakes as if he would be correct, then this is called the badness of the mind. When a person only sees the superficial part of the things and account of the real meaning of the things never occurs, it likes to speak or to listen to habladuras, to see the things closely, as if it was a horse with bandage, has superficial understanding, it does not know when it is the correct moment to advance or to back down, speaks boasting words and it makes things without restriction, all those things are called the madness of the mind. When a person retains the advantages for itself, passing the disadvantages to others; she is industrious at the outset making the things and indolent the fine one, she looks for the comfortable life and she has a chaotic mind, this happy one with the things that it likes but angry with that they displease to him all that is called the confusion of the mind. When a person pretends friendship and affection, praises to another one while beams plans to betray it, speak with irrazonables words and he is cruel in behavior, to that is called the dangerous mind. When a person reverence santa will of God because he is venerable, respects to the superior because this person is virtuous, reverence the words of the saints, is watchman of means and low intentions in a person, to these actions draws attention to him of the mind. When a person improves her inner morality, she fortifies his essence in God, in the Tao within itself, cheers up to cultivate itself according to his lessons, widens desire to do the work of tao, to this is called the cultivation of the mind..

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