Municipal Shelter

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Published on: September 1, 2013

In this chapter the lack of public interest for creation of politics directed truily to the attendance of this demand will be analyzed. The lack of humanizao in some sectors will be boarded and strengthen the absence politics – administrative that it makes with that this demand without adequate attendance searchs to supply some of its necessities in assistenciais agencies of the civil society, or even though assuming the condition of beggar in the streets and residences. Through the reading and comment of data harvested in annual surveys of the sector of social attendance it will be noticed the great flow of migrantes and townspeople who are living in the streets of the city. Effecting comment in the reality of the citizens of the research and in the data supplied for the MDS it will be possible to strengthen the necessity of competent agencies to assume the reality of the street population and to create strategies that happen in the adequate attendance of this demand will be possible to brighten up this picture. Chapter 4 directs it the determination that immobilize the street inhabitant and presents the results gotten in the research effected with some inhabitants of street in determined points of the city of Guaruj. Ten inhabitants of street had been interviewed, being that they had been selected had to the accompaniment of them enters the great demand of taken care of inhabitants of street. He fits to inform that they had been many taken care of in the condition of trainee of the Municipal Shelter folloied by supervision and many others observed in accompaniments and boardings effected in some places of the city. This limitation exactly reduced allowed a comment and offered subsidies to base delicate points with regard to these citizens. The chapter is rewarding in the production that allowed a reflection of the work applied for the magnifying of the look in the direction of the inhabitants of street and for agreement of the suffering partilhado for them or lived separately.

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