Computer Communication

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Published on: November 17, 2015

Times of information monopolies are past Bonn/Dusseldorf – representatives of major publishers quote with pleasure from a doctoral thesis, which was published at times anno 1913 by Kaiser Wilhelm. \”It comes from Wolfgang Riepl and bears the title: the intelligence of antiquity with particular attention to the Romans\”, published by Teubner. From the Opus media guide the Unverdrangbarkeitsgesetz\”off. About Axel Springer CEO Matthias Dopfner. No new media species replaces the existing ones. Media progress cumulatively runs, not substituierend. There is always new, but the old remains.

Today, this law is unwiderlegt. The book has not replaced the narrated story. The newspaper has the book does not replace, the radio not the newspaper, the television also not on the radio. \”And so the Internet will replace also the television or the newspaper.\” If you follow a blog post by Handelsbatt editor Thomas Knuwer, are also daily Der Tagesspiegel-chef Stephan-Andreas Casdorff or the late politician and media expert Peter Glotz Riepl-fans. How it could happen that a hypothesis from a dissertation of the year 1913, which deals with news of the Roman Empire, could become the lifeline of the media corporations of the year 2009, it is not clear for Knuwer. It was downright cute, if even the philological historical Faculty of the University of Augsburg writes about Riepl, he had is with history of long distance and telecommunications\”deals. For Riepl was writing his doctoral thesis, there is not even the radio.

Which focused on Riepl was apparently mainly postal and regulatory reporting. Which can take place not only by people that transport the texts written on a surface, but just through banners, flashing or audio signals\”, so Knuwer. Actually that need take publishing Chief only the media-scientific standard of Werner Faulstich at hand, to find out Riepl has ever dealt not with the mass media but with the individual communications and the coexistence of written and oral forms of Understanding between people.

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