New Scientific Understanding

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Published on: November 3, 2014

Tribes indgenasprecisam to find another place to cultivate its beliefs and traditions or passama to suffer with the life in the urban zone which had to the aculturao process the one that sosubmetidas. In some cases the reassentamento is made in not productive lands eas people waits much time for the indemnities. Moreover, all aquelesque are dislocated by barrages have that to reconstruct everything what already tinhamconstrudo during its lives and even though during the life of its ancestor. They are obliged if to register a new school, to frequent one novaigreja and to make new friendships. However one detailed antropolgico work to podecriar tools and subsidies to safeguard a cultural inheritance of the disappearance. The reduction of the problem related to the impacts caused in the fauna to podeser done with the remanejamento anticipated of the species, exactly thus, algumasdelas they run the risk of not adaptarem itself to the new habitat. In the case of ictiofauna also if it can make the rescue of espciesquando of the draining of the riverbed in determined areas. To try minimizaro problem of the migratory cycle of the fish, known as piracema, soconstrudas stairs in the barrages so that the same ones can circulate of one ladoa another one of the barrage.

The conception of the steps is made to prevent that algumasespcies demigrao comes to die for exhaustion when trying to repeat its flow natural. Also in the doreservatrio case, the withdrawal of all is essential the organic substance of deep antesde to flood the area in such a way, preventing itself the process of eutrofizao of waters comoo unfastening of gases of the deep one. Other factors that can be taken in consideration to diminish ambient osimpactos, much even so for this is necessary great empenhodos competent agencies with the consent of the governing is: – the construction of the plant would only be Consideraes final the problem of deusinas the socioambientais impacts related to the construction hydroelectric plants still is of difficult solution. Of the first ones usinasimplantadas in Brazil until the present time very it was evolved in what it says respect mitigao of the impacts in the systems inserted livings creature in this context. Umaperspectiva more including than contemplates the man, the animals, the vegetation, ocurso d’ Available in: – access in June of 2009. CAPRA, Fritjof, the Teia of the Life the New Scientific Understanding of LivingSystems, Cultrix Publishing company, So Paulo 1996. CAUBET, Christian G.

et al. Ambient handling in Hidrogrfica Basin: the case of the River Benedict. Florianpolis, Alive Fundaogua, 1993. HYDROELECTRIC PLANTS, 2007 Available in: – access in June of 2009. VIEIRA, Flvia; VAINER, Carlos. Manual of the Reached one. Social and Ambient impacts of Barragens.Movimento of Reached for Barrages

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