Darcy Ribeiro

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Published on: November 26, 2012

Much more for the terrible misery the one that had been shot (RIBEIRO, 1995 p.221). The fight for the freedom, then, was only the first step for the attainment of the racial equality, therefore racism already guided the Brazilian society after the abolition and, in this direction, it affirms Ribeiro (1995, P. 200): ' ' the fight most arduous of the African black and its Brazilian descendants was, still is, the conquest of a place and a legitimate participant paper in the society nacional' '. For Darcy Ribeiro (1995), the current Brazilian ruling classes, made of descendants of old gentlemen of slaves, the same keep for the blacks vile disdain of long ago. The blacks continue being seen as the culprits of its proper disasters, which were and still they are explained as characteristic of the race and not as resulted of the slavery and the oppression. This deturpada vision is also assimilated by the mulatos even for the blacks that obtain to ascend socially, which if adds to the contingent white to discriminate the black mass. In this direction, it is necessity to stand out that exactly when the black revolt against its equal ones, this happens in result of the discrimination imposed for the white. In other words, the black starts to suffer for not being white, in the measure where the white man strap of the black all value, all originalidade, all humanity.

thus, so that the white recognizes the humanity of the black, this tries to become white. ' ' The inferiorizao is the native correlato of the superiorizao … has courage to say: She is the racist who creates inferiorizado' '. (FANON, 1983, P. 78). In this direction, it affirms Ana Clia Da Silva, the esteretipos, the partial representation and minimized of the reality, they lead the estereotipado one and representing, to a large extent, to the auto-rejection, the construction of low-esteem, to the rejection to resembled its, leading it the search of the represented values as universal, in the illusion to become that one another one and to become free themselves of the domination and inferiorizao.

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