The Persecution

The persecution Joacir Soares d? Abadia* Brothers, Is Mateus says in them that they are ' ' Ventured the ones well that are perseguidos' ' (TM 5,10). To understand the direction real of this aventurana we must well make a parallel with the book of Apocalypse (AP 7,2-4. 9-14) and to look for to know who they had been pursued in these the two millenia. Apocalypse means revelation. It is to give to know something that is occult; it is to take off the veil and to clearly become everything that is obscure. In this way, the Apocalypse has the purpose to disclose what it is hidden: Jesus Christ. Therefore he is alone for the faith that if obtains to enxergar what he is occult.

' ' well aventuranas' ' , according to Blessed Pope XVI in its book ' ' Jesus de Nazar' ' , ' ' they are promises in which the new image of the world and the man shines, who Jesus inaugurates? inversion of the values? ' '. The Apocalypse discloses, by means of Christ, who the persecution of the Christians becomes present in the Church since its primrdios. This aid the Church to perceive its universality. From there it has the term ' ' Catlica&#039 church; ' , universal, that he encloses all the followers of Christ, the Christians, those that had been marked ' ' in fronte' ' (AP 7,3). Which is the mark that all the men must receive? In the vision of Ezequiel prophet the men were designated ' ' with a cross (one tau) ' ' (Ez 9,4). So Paulo says that in the Baptism the men are all marked by the stamp of Espirito Santo (2Cor 1,21-22; AP 14.1). Already the Christians, differently of all the men, brought ' ' the mark of the God vivo' ' (AP 7,2), the martyrdom.

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