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Published on: March 18, 2014

Seen the importance that the terminals had acquired since its implantations as local receivers of stolen goods and deliverers of flow of people, and as local currently multi-functional, they appear to the questions: Who uses the terminals obligatorily or optionally? How the terminals are inserted in the daily one of the fortalezense? How and who uses the services found in the terminals? How the terminals are perceived by the population? The research assumed thus, the paper of identification and evaluation of the forms of uses of the seven terminals of integration of $fortaleza and as they are perceived by its users in its daily ones. They are spaces taxes for one, optional ones for others; chaotic for some, economic for others At last, spaces in which are possible to get readings differentiated in different seek areas; in ours in case that, geographic. 3. Why to understand this space ' ' amontoado' ' To understand the daily one in the terminals of bus of $fortaleza if makes for the necessity to understand the relation of the users with these spaces as basic base for elaboration of better public politics with respect to 0 variable of the transport as municipal public service of vital importance the proper one ' ' respirao' ' of the city of $fortaleza-CE. To analyze the way as the users they perceive its stay in the interior of the terminals and To identify to the especificidades and similarities of each terminal, detaching the configuration of the structures and installed service is, in this direction, essential to describe the tipificao of the flows and the profile of that they use the services offered in the spaces of the terminals; beyond verifying the current 0 variable of reverse speed-use of the terminals as spaces ' ' pblicos' ' convivncia e. 4.Conversa of Terminal: ' ' While the collective one expects we debate on the Temtica.' ' The terminals of bus of $fortaleza come if constituting as impositores of ' ' espao' ' ' ' tempo' ' to the great majority of the population, mainly when residence-work is about the passage.

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